Saturday, September 5, 2009

Laughing At Myself -- otherwise entitled This Year's Schedule

I was all set to type out this school year's schedule for y'all, and realized it is exactly like our summer schedule. We did pretty much nothing all summer due to illness and moving. C'est la vie, non?

Here are the only additions/changes:
Language Arts: we're starting First Language Lessons for the Well Trained Mind, G.U.M Drops, and Spelling Workout for J.

Math Decisions: we are bumping J to Saxon 2, and letting K work through several lessons at a time in Saxon K.

Character Building: we have a new character building program that is due to arrive on Tuesday. I'll post later about whether or not we like it :)
I guess I'll save my energy for a post on what our school days look like... maybe that will be more interesting!

Laughing at Myself,


  1. Can't wait to hear more about the character training stuff!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Owl Mama,
    So, did you use Saxon 1, then? I'd like to hear how it compares to Saxon K, if you did (when you get some spare time. :) )


  4. Amy, we used Saxon 1 on and off for the last year with J. I like it... it's very thorough and the manipulatives are fun. We ended up doing the worksheets orally. It worked much better for J this way. It was a bit slow for J though, so we finally moved him up to Saxon 2 this morning. K was not to be left behind, so she started Saxon 1 today :)

  5. I feel a bit the same. I keep thinking I need to change our lessons and then relise we still need to continue with what we haven't finished, and that there isn't any REAL need to change them.
    Good luck
    God Bless
